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July 2024 Board Meeting Recap

Writer's picture: District NewsDistrict News

The Ball-Chatham Board of Education met for its regularly scheduled meeting at the District Office in Chatham, IL on Wednesday, July 24, 2024.

The following is a summation of the items discussed and those that were approved.


  • 1.1 Adjournment from Regular Session to Closed Session 

  • 1.2 Topics of Closed Session 

  • 1.3 Closed Session Minutes [5 ILCS 120/2(c)(21)] 

  • 1.4 Adjournment from Closed Session to Regular Session 


  • 2.1 Call Meeting to Order – Board President Tiffani Saunders called the meeting to order at 6:42. 

  • 2.2 Pledge of Allegiance – All called to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance. 

  • 2.3 Roll Call – Roll call was taken by Board Clerk and Bryant, Murphy, Calderon, Phipps, Rediger and Saunders were present. Strahle was absent. Superintendent, Dr. Lamon was also present. 


President Saunders asked for two items to be added to the agenda as New Business items. President Saunders asked for a motion to amend the agenda with New Business item for Compensation Adjustment for Nicholas Sloman and the hiring of Department Coordinators and Team Leaders. Calderon moved to amend the agenda as presented. Upon said motion being seconded by Rediger, President Saunders called for the vote. All members present voted “yes”. 

President Saunders called for a motion to approve the closed session minutes. Bryant moved to approve the minutes for the Closed Session from June 26, 2024. Upon said motion being seconded by Calderon, President Saunders called for the vote. All members present voted “yes”.  


  • 4.1 Citizens- Opportunity for Visitors to Address the School Board Concerning any Agenda Topic 

 Julie McAlister requested that the Board members speak louder so that they can be heard on the video recordings of the Board meetings. 


  • 5.1 Adoption of Consent Agenda Items- President Saunders called for a motion to approve the consent agenda items as presented to the Board for July 24, 2024. Rediger moved to approve the consent agenda items. Upon said motion being seconded by Murphy, President Saunders called for a vote. All members present voted “yes”. 

  • 5.2 Minutes of Regular Board Meeting, June 26, 2024 

  • 5.3 Minutes of Facilities and Grounds Committee Meeting, July 10, 2024 

  • 5.4 Minutes of Policy Committee Meeting, July 17, 2024 

  • 5.5 Treasurer/Financial Report 

  • 5.6 School District Accounts Payable 

  • 5.7 School Activity Account Reports 

  • 5.8 Update to the Health and Wellness Plan 

  • 5.9 FOIA Requests 

  • 5.10 Threat Assessment Team and Plan Annual Approval 

  • 5.11 Resolution to Dispose of Technology Equipment 

  • 5.12 Resolution to Dispose of Surplus and Non Salvageable Equipment 


  • 6.1 Adoption of Consent Personnel Agenda Items – President Saunders called for motion to approve the personnel consent agenda as presented to the Board. Rediger moved to adopt the Consent Personnel Agenda. Upon said motion, Bryant seconded. President Saunders called for a vote. All present voted “yes”.  

  • 6.2 Resignations 

  • 6.3 New Hires 

  • 6.4 Retirements 

  • 6.5 Transfers 

  • 6.6 Leaves of Absence 

  • 6.7 Renewal of Extra Curricular Assignments for 24/25 SY 


  • 7.1 AI plan – Dr. Lamon presented to the Board the AI plan and recognized the members of the team that worked on the plan during the 23-24 school year. This was presented as a working plan as AI is evolving each day. It is intended to be reviewed regularly and Calderon shared concern that this plan could cause unnecessary ramifications if parameters are not in place and working. Both Phipps and Murphy also shared concerns that this will need to be updated and reviewed regularly and will this team be onboard to continue the work needed to have accurate and appropriate structure to the plan. Dr. Lamon responded to both concerns.  President Saunders called for a motion to approve the AI plan as presented. Murphy moved to approve the AI plan. Upon said motion being seconded by Bryant, President Saunders called for a vote. All members present voted “yes”. 

  • 7.2 Second Reading of PRESS Policies - President Saunders called for motion to approve the Second Reading of Board Policy as presented to the Board. Rediger moved to adopt the Consent Personnel Agenda. Upon said motion, Bryant seconded. President Saunders called for a vote. All present voted “yes”. 

  • 7.3 First Reading of PRESS Policies – no action needed for the first reading.  

Added to the agenda for New Business, President Saunders called for a motion for the Compensation Adjustment for Nicholas Sloman. Bryant moved to approve the Compensation Adjustment presented to the Board. Upon said motion being seconded by Rediger, President Saunders called for the vote. All members present voted “yes”. 


Also added to the agenda for New Business, President Saunders called for a motion for the hiring of Department Coordinators and Team Leaders for the 24-25 SY. Calderon moved to approve the rehiring of Department Coordinators and Team Leaders for 24-25 SY. Upon said motion being seconded by Rediger, President Saunders called for the vote. All members present voted “yes”. 


  • 8.1 Future Board Meeting Dates / Dates for 2024/2025 SY  

  • Thursday, July 25, 2024 - Negotiations 5:30 PM - GHS 

  • Friday, July 26, 2024 - Negotiations 5:30 PM - GHS 

  • Wednesday, August 14, 2024 at 4:00 PM Facilities and Grounds Meeting - DO 

  • Tuesday, August 20, 2024 at 4:00 PM Finance Committee Meeting - DO 

  • Wednesday, August 28, 2024 at 6:30 PM (Open Session) - Regular BOE Meeting - DO 

  • 8.2 Citizens - Opportunity for Visitors to Address the School Board Concerning Any Topic 

Three members of the audience spoke to the Board.  

Deb Rupright complimented the teaching staff. Emily Miller shared that her own personal stories spoke to the type of staff that should be valued, appreciated, and understood. Christina Miller shared that she moved to be in the district for her child and showed support for the teachers.  


  • 9.1 Adjournment of Regular Meeting – President Saunders called for a motion to adjourn. Phipps moved to adjourn. All members present voted “yes”. Time 7:04


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