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Board Meeting Recap

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Sept. 27, 2023 Board Meeting Recap

The Ball-Chatham Board of Education met for its regularly scheduled meeting at the District Office in Chatham, Il on Wednesday, Sept 27, 2023

The following is a summation of the items discussed and those that were approved, as well as links to those items in the Board packet.


Action, Information: 4.1 Budget Hearing on FY24 Budget

Board President Saunders opened the Budget Hearing. She asked if the Board of Education or community had any questions. None were noted. Ms. Charlotte Montgomery shared that nothing has changed since she presented the budget at the August 23, 2023 regular board meeting. Board President Saunders then closed the budget hearing.

Action: 4.2 Approval of FY24 Budget

Hearing no objections to the FY24 Budget, the Board President called for a motion to approve the resolution and FY24 Budget as presented.

Rediger moved to approve the resolution and FY24 Budget as presented. Upon said motion being seconded by Murphy, the Board President called for a vote. All present board members voted "yes."


Action: 5.1 FY23 Audit Presentation 6. COMMUNICATIONS

Presentation: 6.1 4th Grade Specialization - BES

Ms. Tricia Burke, BES Principal, started off by introducing her 4th Grade Staff. Ms. Brandee Toliver presented on the everyday benefits of 4th Grade Specialization. She shared that it provides the students a safe and familiar environment, helps them manage organization of materials and belongings, helps manage the expectations of two core teachers and provides families with what to expect in 5th grade. Ms. Michelle

Cunningham presented on the academic benefits of their specialization. She noted that both the students and teachers benefit from this. She shared that the teachers become more proficient in a specific subject and able to differentiate lessons to meet the needs of all students. Ms. Morgan Gabelmann provided the emotional benefits that the students are receiving. She shared that it feels like a large class family. Ms Gabelmann noted that the specialization provides the students with less stress about transitioning to GIS. Ms. Sarah Flott provided the board with student and parent feedback and quotes in favor of the program. Board Member Ann Strahle like the presentation and questioned if there was any feedback from the students who were a part of the specialization last year. Ms. Burke shared that she has not heard anything from GIS yet.

Presentation, Information: 6.2 BCSD Student Ambassador Presentation

Dr. Becca Lamon provided information about the new BCSD Student Ambassador Program. She shared the goals of the program which includes: improving communication between the Superintendent/Board Members and the student body, learn about opinions, issues, and concerns related to student experiences in the BCSD, and include student in the improvement of educational experiences at BCSD. Dr. Lamon shared that there will be responsibilities of the Student Ambassadors that include: attend all regular meetings, meet with and seek the opinions of a variety of students and student groups, attempt to represent all students, communicate student viewpoints on issues to the Superintendent and Board Members, and answer the Superintendent and Board questions and concerns from a student perspective. She noted that applications are due October 6, 2023, and all students who apply will be notified if they are chosen or not. Dr. Lamon expressed that she is excited to begin this new journey with GHS students.

Presentation, Information: 6.3 School Start Times Dr. Becca Lamon provided information regarding the District's considered utilized for school start times across all six schools.

Information: 6.4 Citizens- Opportunity for Visitors to Address the School Board Concerning any Agenda Topic

- Jo Barnard, GES Parent, shared quotes from other district parents from a petition she provided the board earlier in the week. She also voiced her dislike for the early start times.

- Georgie Euler, GES Parent, asked the board to review the school times. She also shared her concern for the impact that the early start times that is having on families.

- Kelly Trutter, CES and GMS Parent, shared her concern with the emotional toll that the early start times are having on kids.

- Kimberly Burkwald, GIS Parent, shared that she loved the specialized program at BES. She also requested that if start times were to be changed to later for younger students, that the district look into a SCOPE program like District 186.

- Sarah Clayton, CES Parent, asked what was the driving force between the change from 7:50 am to 7:30 am?

- Mallory Fairless, BES Parent, shared her concern about the early start time. She also made the comment that the two options are not the only options.


Action: 7.1 Adoption of Consent Agenda Items


Action: 8.1 Adoption of Consent Personnel Agenda Items


Action: 9.1 Strategic Plan

Dr. Becca Lamon presented the final Strategic Plan, Portrait of an Educator, and Portrait of a Graduate to the Board of Education for their final approval. Board President Saunders asked if there were any questions by the board. None were noted. Board President Saunders then called for a motion to approve the Strategic Plan, Portrait of an Educator, and Portrait of a Graduate as presented.

Rediger moved to approve the Strategic Plan, Portrait of an Educator, and Portrait of a Graduate as presented. Upon said motion being seconded by Strahle, the Board President called for a vote. All present board members voted "yes."

Portrait of an Educator Portrait of a Graduate

Action: 9.2 2023-24 Insurance Plans

Dr. Becca Lamon shared the proposed 2023/24 insurance plans. She shared that the district would be moving from United Healthcare to Health Alliance. Board President Saunders made an amendment of the recommended action to say 2023/24 insurance plans. She then called for a motion on the edited recommended action.

Bryant moved to approve the 2023/24 insurance plans as presented. Upon said motion being seconded by Murphy, the Board President called for a vote. All present board members voted "yes."

Information: 9.3 First Reading of Reviewed District Policies Members of the Policy Committee and the Superintendent brought these policies forward for first reading after starting the process of a five year review. These are the Policies that have changes:

Information: 9.4 Enrollment Dr. Becca Lamon presented the 6th day enrollment information from the last 13 year.

10. COMMUNICATIONS Information: 10.1 Future Board Meeting Dates / Dates for 2023/2024 SY

Wednesday, October 11, 2023, at 4:00 PM - Facilities and Grounds Meeting District Office

Tuesday, October 17, 2023, at 4:00 PM - Finances Committee - District Office

Monday, October 23, 2023 at 5:30 PM - Policy Committee - District Office

Wednesday, October 25, 2023 at 6:30 PM (Open Session) - Regular Board of Education Meeting - District Office

Information: 10.2 Citizens - Opportunity for Visitors to Address the School Board Concerning Any Topic

- Autumn Bowers, Parent, shared her concerns of transgender individuals using certain restrooms. She also voiced her concern regarding female students the transportation of their feminine products.


Action: 11.1 Adjournment of Regular Meeting Board President called for a motion to adjourn the meeting.

Bryant made a motion to adjourn the regular meeting. All board members voted in the affirmative.


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