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Board Meeting Recap

Writer's picture: District NewsDistrict News

The Ball-Chatham Board of Education met for its regularly scheduled meeting at the District Office in Chatham, Il on Wednesday, March 29, 2023

The following is a summation of the items discussed and those that were approved, as well as links to those items in the Board packet.


GHS Concrete Repairs

Board President Saunders opened the public hearing process for the Board of Education to determine the need to undertake below-grade and concrete repairs to an area on the north end of Glenwood High School. No comments or questions were noted.


National Honor Society Scholarship Semifinalist

The Board of Education and Dr. Becca Lamon recognized Grace Kang, senior at Glenwood High School and member of National Honor Society. Grace has been selected as an NHS Scholarship semifinalist. Recipients are chosen based on their demonstrated work to support the four pillars of NHS: scholarship, service, leadership, and character. She was one out of 600 students nationally to

receive this scholarship.

2023 Wrestling State Champion/State Qualifiers

The Board of Education and Dr. Lamon recognized the 2023 Wrestling State Champion and Qualifiers. Mr. Jerod Bruner introduced State Champion Drew Davis, State 3rd Placers Brandon Bray and Alex Hamrick, and State 5th Place Aden Byal. He shared their accomplishments with the board.

Scholastic Writing Awards

Dr. Lamon shared that two Glenwood High School students received Scholastic Writing Awards this year in The Scholastic Art & Writing Awards contest. She noted that Ariana Comstock won a Gold Key for her original short historical fiction story titled "Nozomu’s Journal." She also received a National Silver Medal for her piece. Dr. Lamon also recognized Jodi Jin, who was not present, for her honorable mention for her poetry entry titled "My Darling Departed."

CES Presentation

Mr. Steve Rembusch, CES Principal, and his staff presented "Whole Brain Teaching.” Ms. Lorie Allison, Ms. Jodi Acree, Ms. Karen Martin, Ms. Karen Green, and Ms. Katie McAdamis shared all the wonderful things that "Whole Brain Teaching" has done for the students. The presentation can be viewed here: Whole Brain Teaching

Director of Technology Annual Report

Josh Mulvaney, Director of Technology, gave his annual presentation. The presentation can be viewed here: Annual Technology Report


Citizens- Opportunity for Visitors to Address the School Board Concerning any Agenda Topic

None were noted


All members of the Board voted to approve the Consent items, which can be found here.


All members of the Board voted to approve the Personnel Consent items, which can be found here.


Math Resource Adoption

Ms. Jennifer Farnsworth, Assistant Superintendent, presented administration's recommendation to approve the K-8 Math Curriculum Resources. The recommendation is to purchase I-Ready Classroom Mathematics for K-6 from Curriculum Associates and 6-8 Big Ideas Math from Cengage for a total price

of 618,275.60. Ms. Farnsworth noted that the board will be approving to use $353,438.60 of district funds and the remaining balance of $264,837 will be paid for with ESSER III Grant Funds. The board approved the recommendation.

Approval of Schoolwide Waivers

Ms. Farnsworth requested and received board approval for Schoolwide Waivers for all three elementary schools.

BES HVAC Renovation Project

Mike Dobbs, Director of Facilities and Grounds, requested and received board approval to award the Ball Elementary HVAC Renovation Project to the Henson Robinson Company. The project includes replacing 14 rooftop heating/cooling units on the south wing and completing various other upgrades. The overall cost of the project is $982,500 and work should be completed by August 4, 2023.

BES HVAC Renovation Bids

Mike Dobbs requested and received board approval to award the Glenwood High School Storm Sewer Repair Project to Petersburg Plumbing for the cost of $66,500 with a substantial completion date of July 7, 2023.


Future Board Meeting Dates

April 26, 2023 - Regular Board Meeting (6:30p)


Citizens - Opportunity for Visitors to Address the School Board Concerning Any Topic

The Board President welcomed the newly hired Special Education Director Kristy Wheeler.


Adjournment of Regular Meeting


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