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April 2024 Board Meeting Recap

Writer's picture: Danny FreyDanny Frey

The Ball-Chatham Board of Education met for its regularly scheduled meeting at the District Office in Chatham, IL on Wednesday, April 24, 2024.

The following is a summation of the items discussed and those that were approved.


2.1 Call Meeting to Order- Board President Tiffani Saunders called the meeting to order at 6:32 pm. 

2.2 Pledge of Allegiance- All stood for the Pledge of Allegiance.

2.3 Roll Call- Roll call was taken and Bryant, Murphy, Phipps, Rediger, Strahle and Saunders were present. Calderon was not present. Superintendent, Dr. Lamon was also present.


3.1 Approval of Agenda Item President Saunders called for item 9.2 to be removed from the agenda and a motion was made to approve the amended agenda by Murphy. Upon said motion, Bryant seconded. President Saunders called for the vote, all members present voted “yes”. 

3.2 Action Items from Closed Session - Strahle moved to take action from the closed meeting, Upon said motion, Rediger seconded. President Saunders called for the vote, all members present voted “yes”.

3.3 Student Discipline from Closed Session - Phipps moved to take action of student discipline from the closed meeting. Upon said motion, Rediger seconded. President Saunders called for the vote, all members present voted “yes”.


4.1 CACC Students of the Month - The following students were recognized by the Board as CACC February Students of the Month, Mitchell Sennings for Culinary Arts, Lilia Stegeman for Early Childhood. In attendance were Mason Strawn who was recognized for IT Networking/Programming and Yadiel Rodriguez-Ramos for Medical Assistant 2. The CACC March Students of the Month that were also recognized were Braydn Sayarath for Coop/WBL, Sophia Angeli for Cosmetology and Mitchell Sennings again for Culinary Arts.   

4.2 Recognition of Coach Jerod Bruner - Coach Jerod Bruner was recognized by the Board because was selected as 2A Head Coach of the Year from the Illinois Wrestling Coaches and Officials Association. Coach Bruner was recognized at the annual IWCOA 52nd Annual Hall of Fame Award Banquet held on April 14, 2024 In Alsip, IL.  

4.3 Citizens- Opportunity for Visitors to Address the School Board Concerning any Agenda Topic - there were no visitors to recognize to address the Board.



5.1 Adoption of Consent Agenda Items - President Saunders called for the adoption of the Consent Agenda listed below. Bryant moved to approve the Consent Agenda. Upon said motion, Rediger seconded. President Saunders called for a vote. All members voted “yes”.

5.2 Minutes of Regular Board Meeting, March 27, 2024

5.3 Minutes of Facilities and Grounds Committee Meeting, April 10, 2024

5.4 Minutes of Finance Committee Meeting, April 16, 2024

5.5 Treasurer/Financial Report

5.6 School District Accounts Payable

5.7 School Activity Account Reports

5.8 Approval of Title I Schoolwide Plans

5.9 FOIA Requests


6.1 Adoption of Consent Personnel Agenda Items - President Saunders called for a motion for the adoption of the Personnel Consent Agenda items listed below. Rediger moved to approve the Personnel Consent Agenda. Upon said motion, Bryant seconded.  President Saunders called for a vote. All members voted “yes”.

6.2 Resignations

6.3 New Hires

6.4 Retirements

6.5 Transfers

6.6 Leaves of Absence

6.7 Winter Coach Renewal


7.1 Bus Replacement Bid - Transportation Director, Mark Daley requested that the Board accept the Bus Replacement Bid as presented. This bid is for the purchase of pre owned buses that will replace old buses, some over 20 years old. There is a partial engine warranty, but these will be maintained by the BCSD transportation department. President Saunders called for a motion for the acceptance of the Bus Replacement Bid. Phipps moved to approve the bid for bus replacement. Upon said motion, Rediger seconded.  President Saunders called for a vote. All members voted “yes”.

7.2 Technology Bid- Chromebooks - Technology Director, Josh Mulvaney presented the bid for Chromebooks for all 5-12 grade students for a three-year lease. This bid will offer white glove treatment which saves on work the technology department does packing and/or unpacking the technology. Along with the white glove treatment, these are new models and will be delivered over the summer months to be ready for the start of the year. Mulvaney also indicated that there is a company that builds their own product line and they will be used for a smaller allotment of Chromebooks, so that if they are more affordable, the technology department will be more inclined to use them in the future. President Saunders called for a motion for the acceptance of the Technology Chromebooks Bid. Murphy moved to approve the bid for Chromebooks lease. Upon said motion, Bryant seconded.  President Saunders called for a vote. All members voted “yes”.

7.3 Technology Bid- Interactive LED Panel - Technology Director, Mulvaney also presented the bid for Interactive LED Panels. These are often used for the Arts. The bid suggested allows for screen adjustment for smaller/younger students who struggle to reach where they are mounted for older/taller students and staff. President Saunders called for a motion for the acceptance of the Technology Interactive LED Panel Bid. Bryant moved to approve the bid for interactive LED panels. Upon said motion, Murphy seconded.  President Saunders called for a vote. All members voted “yes”.

7.4 Technology Bid- Desktops - Technology Director, Mulvaney additionally presented the bid for Desktops. This bid is primarily for GIS and Administration on rotation. President Saunders called for a motion for the acceptance of the Desktop Bid. Murphy moved to approve the bid for desktops. Upon said motion, Bryant seconded.  President Saunders called for a vote. All members voted “yes”.

7.5 Tech Fee Price Increase - Dr. Lamon along with Technology Director Mulvaney presented the need for a technology fee increase. The administration recommends that the student technology fee be increased from $40 to $75 for the 2024/2025 school year to address the higher cost of providing student technology. There has been no increase in five years. Prices of technology continue to increase, and the increase will assist in creating a budget correction. The Board is mindful of the financial burden of increased costs, but smaller incremental increases are just as difficult as sudden increases. President Saunders called for a motion for the acceptance of the Technology Fee Increase. Murphy moved to approve the tech fee price increase. Upon said motion, Bryant seconded.  President Saunders called for a vote. All members voted “yes”.

7.6 Lunch Price Increase Food Director, Chad Martel presented to the Board an increase to food service meals. There has not been an increase since the 2018-19 school year. The National School Lunch Program sets the national minimum standard for lunch prices. BCSD's lunch prices are lower than the required threshold. This increase ensures that BCSD is compliant with the expectation to close the gap between our current prices and the expected federal prices ($3.75). USDA requirements set the cost of meals to be provided and this will allow BCSD to close the gap for the requirements and changes needed. President Saunders called for a motion for the acceptance of the Lunch Price Increase. Strahle moved to approve the lunch price increase. Upon said motion, Bryant seconded.  President Saunders called for a vote. All members voted “yes”.

7.7 Second Reading of PRESS Policies - President Saunders asked for the Board to approve the Adoption of the PRESS Policies and District Reviewed Policies that were provided as a second reading. Bryant moved to approve the adoption of the PRESS Policies and District Reviewed Policies that were presented in the second reading. Upon said motion, Murphy seconded. President Saunders called for a vote. All members voted “yes”.

Policies Adopted:

 4:120 - Food Services - Changes made to match the PRESS policy, correction to legal references, and the addition of 6:50 to Cross References

 4:140- Waiver of Student Fees - Spacing issue and the addition of 6:220 to Cross References

 4:150 - Facility Management and Building Programs - Updates to Cross References - 2:170 and 4:60

4:156 - Material and Property Resource Management - Not a PRESS policy.  The policy will be removed since it was determined that the language is already in other policies - 4:80.

 5:155 - Issuance of Keys -  Not a PRESS policy.  The policy will remain and be updated with “badges” in all places where “keys” are also mentioned.

 5:010-Equal Employment Opportunity and Minority Recruitment- Wording changes to align to PRESS

 5:020 - Workplace Harassment Prohibited - Wording changes to align to PRESS

 5:021 - Violence/Intimidation/Threats - Not a PRESS policy.  The policy will be removed since it was determined that the language is already in other policies - 5:020 and 7:020.

 5:030 - Hiring Process and Criteria - Minor typo corrections and reordering of legal References.

 5:035 - Compliance with Fair Labor Standards Act - Wording changes to align to PRESS

 5:040- Communicable and Chronic Infectious Disease - Wording changes to align to PRESS

 5:041 - Toxic Substance Disclosure -  Not a PRESS Policy but will be kept in policies.

 5:042 - Accidents and Injuries - Not a Press Policy.  This is an HR procedure and does not need to be a policy.  It will be removed.

 5:050 - Employee Estimated Expense Approval Form - This is an Exhibit related to 5:60 and not a Policy.  It should be removed since there is another 5:50.

 5:050 - Drug and Alcohol-Free Workplace - minor typo corrections

 5:051 - Use of Tobacco - The policy will be removed since it was determined that the language is already in other policies - 5:50

 5:060 - Expenses - Minor corrections to align to PRESS.

 5:070- Religious Holidays - minor corrections to wording and legal references.

 5:080- Court Duty - Wording out of order and missing headers.

 5:095 - Medical Emergencies - Not a PRESS policy.  Will be removed.  Content will be covered in the district Crisis Management Plan.

 5:100 -Staff Development Program - edits to Legal Reference and Cross References

 5:110 - Recognition for Service - reviewed with no corrections or updates

 5:120- Employee Ethics, Code of Professional Conduct and Conflict of Interest - minor corrections to align to PRESS

 5:122 - Staff Political Activities - Not a PRESS policy but will remain.  No corrections or updates.



8.1 Selection of President Pro Tem - President Saunders shared that Board positions are one-year terms and this is the annual meeting in which the Board is restructured. President Saunders handed over the control of the meeting to Dr. Lamon as President Pro Tem in order to elect a President for the new term. Strahle moved for Dr. Lamon to preside as President Pro Tem for the election of the Board President. Upon said motion, Murphy seconded. All members voted “yes”. 

8.2 Election of Officers President Lamon asked for nominations from the Board for the office of President. Strahle nominated Tiffani Saunders for the position of Board President. Upon said motion, Murphy seconded. All members voted “yes”.

President Saunders then called for nominations for the position of Vice President. Rediger nominated Laura Calderon. Upon said motion, Strahle seconded. All members present voted “yes”.

President Saunders called for nominations for the position of Board Secretary. Phipps nominated Rediger for the position of Board Secretary. Upon said motion, Bryant seconded. All members voted “yes”.

8.3 Board Meeting Dates for 2024/25 School Year - President Saunders called the Board to approve the meetings for the next school year. There are three months that have irregular dates, due to holidays. Bryant moved that the Board approve the dates for the 2024/2025 school year. Upon said motion, Murphy seconded. All members voted “yes”.

The meeting dates are as follows to include highlighted dates held early due to holidays. 

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Wednesday, October 23, 2024

*Wednesday, November 20, 2024

*Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

*Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Wednesday, April 23, 2025

Wednesday, May 28, 2025

Wednesday, June 25, 2025

Wednesday, July 23, 2025



9.1 Student Ambassadors - Five students presented to the Board a year in review of the inaugural Student Ambassador program. Sophomore student Kamryn Douglas, shared an overview of who the students are currently involved in the program. 17 GHS students from all grades and diverse involvement in school and in the community. Junior, Hamna Syed, shared the purpose of the program included providing feedback to the Board and Administration about experiences at BCSD. Sophomore, Annabel Mollerud, continued as she shared the collaborative process used to generate lists of areas of growth, prioritizing topics of interest, and discussed solutions and strategies with Dr. Lamon, Mr. Green and Mrs. Dowis. Freshman Eli Smith was able to share some of the accomplishments that they have already seen because of these conversations. The traffic light in the student parking lot got fixed, allowing early graduation students to attend Prom, vaping and other bathroom concerns, and the overall being heard by the Board and Administration. Senior Mia Davlantis wrapped up the year in review with insightful proposed changes that the student ambassadors believe will make the program more successful. More frequent meetings will allow more work to be done. Keeping the current students in the program who want to continue will allow for continuity and more opportunities for students to bridge into a leadership role. And finally, they are hopeful for more peer input so that they can address more issues that are of interest to them.


9.3 Future Board Meeting Dates / Dates for 2023/2024 SY - President Saunders announced May 2024 Board meetings  

  • Monday, May 6, 2024 at 5:30 PM - Negotiations - GHS

  • Wednesday, May 8, 2024 at 4:00 PM- Facilities and Grounds Meeting - District Office

  • Tuesday, May 14, 2024 at 4:00 PM- Finance Committee Meeting - District Office

  • Wednesday, May 15, 2024 at 5:30 PM  - Negotiations - GHS

  • Friday, May 17, 2024 at 5:30 PM - Negotiations - GHS

  • Saturday, May 18, 2024 at 9:00 Am - Negotiations - GHS

  • Sunday, May 19, 2024 at 10:00 AM - Negotiations - GHS

  • Wednesday, May 22, 2024, 2024 at 6:30 PM (Open Session) - Regular Board of Education Meeting - District Office

9.4 Citizens - Opportunity for Visitors to Address the School Board Concerning Any Topic - there were no visitors to recognize to address the Board.


10.1 Adjournment of Regular Meeting - President Saunders asked for a motion to adjourn the meeting. Strahle moved to adjourn the meeting. Upon said motion, Murphy seconded. The meeting was adjourned at 7:19 pm

Thank You, 

BCSD5 Admin

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