/School Information / Pick Up - Drop Off Procedures
Pick Up - Drop Off Procedures
Students may be dropped off in the front of the building on the East side of the flagpole, Door B beginning at 8 a.m. The students will then be directed to the cafeteria. Students riding the bus will be dropped off at the bus doors located in the northeast corner of the building.
Parents who need to pick up their child early during the school day for an appointment should call the main office or send a note with the child to be delivered to the office. The student will be given a pass to be released from class early. Students must sign out in the main office before they may leave. When students return to school from an appointment, they must sign in with the main office. Students will enter and exit through the main entrance Door B.
Please hang up your cell phone!
Illinois law prohibits drivers from talking on cell phones in school zones. It is meant to protect drivers and keep our students safe.