/ About Glenwood Middle School / Activities & Clubs
Activities & Clubs
The Ball-Chatham School District’s mission is to engage and equip all students to achieve their unique potential through broad and diverse learning experiences. Our teachers differentiate instruction to meet the needs of each student in their classrooms. And while the school offers several different honors classes, as well as a full range of electives, it also strives to provide students with a variety of academic enrichment opportunities.
Glenwood Middle School offers several athletic opportunities for our 7th and 8th grade students. Fall sports include football, baseball, softball, cheerleading, dance team, and cross country. In the winter we offer boys' and girls' basketball, volleyball, dance, cheerleading, and wrestling. Spring athletics include track and field. For athletic schedules, please check out the Athletic Teams pages link at the right, or if on a mobile device, below.
Performing/Visual Arts
Instrumental Music - Middle school students may take Symphonic and Concert Band, as well as audition to be a part of the Jazz Band. The entire band groups present a winter and spring concert. Also, students are encouraged to audition for the Jazz Bands. The Jazz Bands give the students who are in band an additional outlet to explore “America’s Music." Students will perform swing, Latin music, and some rock songs. Each grade level will have their own Jazz Band and the Jazz Bands will perform throughout the community and the Springfield areas in concerts. They will also travel out of town to jazz festivals at other schools and universities.
Parents of band students are encouraged to join the Band Booster organization, which promotes band activities in the community and offers financial support to the band.
Vocal Music - The chorus is open to both 7th and 8th grade students who elect to participate in a choral singing experience. Students who join chorus are expected to make a commitment to maintain their participation for the entire year. Students will also be required to attend all concerts, activities, and special appearances that are set by the director. In addition, students may audition to be a part of the Jazz Choir. The Jazz Choir is a group that rehearses Wednesdays after school. Jazz Choir offers students an outlet to expand their musicianship in a vocal jazz setting. The group performs at the Dinner Theatre, school functions, contests, and events in the community. Auditions are held in the spring and are open to students who participate in one of the choirs.
Student Leadership
Glenwood Middle School students are provided with a number of leadership opportunities. A few of these opportunities include:
BETA Club - BETA is equivalent to the National Honor Society. Membership is by invitation to students who end their previous school year with a grade point average of 3.75.
Student Council - is made up of seven elected students from each grade level. The student council members represent their classmates by conveying ideas and opinions from the student body to the council and administration. Student Council promotes enthusiasm, spirit, pride, and cooperation among the students.
Special Interests
Students at Glenwood Middle School come from many different backgrounds, all of which contribute to the richness of Glenwood's educational experience. GMS offers a wide range of club opportunities to meet the interests of every student.
MathCounts - is open to students in grades 7, and 8 who enjoy math! It is a national math organization and students meet once a week beginning in October. They practice by solving challenging math problems as a team. Throughout the meetings, students take a few short tests to help determine who will compete in the local competition as individuals and as a part of a four-person team. Attendance is expected and required for those who wish to be considered for the competitive team.
Scholastic Bowl - What is Scholastic Bowl? It is a fun, fast-paced academic competition for 7th and 8th grade students who enjoy challenging their intellect. If you enjoy Jeopardy, Trivial Pursuit, and learning random information, you will find like-minded friends here! Teams form in January and the season runs from February until April. Spots are limited. Tryouts (teacher recommendations and rapid and correct responses to a test) may be necessary if interest is high.
Speech & Drama Team - Want to be someone else? Try acting! In late September, students choose a skit for the Literary Contest (IESA Speech Contest) held at one of the ten participating area schools in November. Students have a choice of doing a duet or a small group acting piece with 3-5 participants. The memorized reading or skit is 5-9 minutes in length. Students practice with their coach once a week. Students earn medals or ribbons.
Spring Musical - The Drama and Music Departments put on a musical in the spring. Auditions are generally eight weeks before the production, and rehearsals run after school. The show is performed in the Glenwood High School Auditorium. Students are also asked to participate in the backstage production of the show as running crew, scenic artists, and set builders.
Jazz Band
Titan Flare
Unified activities with Special Olympics