/ About Glenwood Intermediate School / Activities & Clubs
Activities & Clubs
The Ball-Chatham School District’s mission is to engage and equip all students to achieve their unique potential through broad and diverse learning experiences. Our teachers differentiate instruction to meet the needs of each student in their classrooms. And while the school offers several different honors classes, as well as a full range of electives, it also strives to provide students with a variety of academic enrichment opportunities.
GIS offers several athletic opportunities for our 5th and 6th grade students. Fall sports include boys and girls cross country. In the winter we offer volleyball and wrestling. Track and field is offered in the spring. For additional information please check out the Athletic Teams pages at the link to the right, or if on a mobile device, below.
Performing/Visual Arts
Instrumental Music - Instrumental instruction is offered to students in fifth grade. Group lessons are given free of charge for one hour per week to students who provide their own instruments. The entire band group will present a winter and spring concert. Parents of band students are encouraged to join the Band Booster organization, which promotes band activities in the community and offers financial support to the band.
Vocal Music - The chorus is open to fifth grade students who elect to participate in a choral singing experience. Students who join the chorus are expected to make a commitment to maintain their participation for the entire year. Students will also be required to attend all concerts, activities, and special appearances that are set by the director.
Art Club - Art Club is offered to fifth grade students and consists of special projects. Interest is usually high, so there are three groups that meet on a rotating basis throughout the year. Projects in Art Club are more involved than those in the regular art classes in addition to using new and different media types.
Student Leadership
Girls on the Run (GOTR) - Girls on the Run® is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization dedicated to creating a world where every girl knows and activates her limitless potential and is free to boldly pursue her dreams. Meeting twice a week in small teams, we teach life skills through dynamic, interactive lessons and running games. A link to more information is on the right.
Student Council - The GIS Student Council is responsible for sharing fellow students’ ideas and concerns, as well as raising money for school or community projects. Students learn governing and leadership skills, as well as the importance of philanthropy.
Creating Superheroes One Titan at a Time - “Superheroes” is an innovative program designed by GHS graduate, Eli Day; his mother, GIS sixth grade teacher Crystal Day; and GIS physical education teacher, Pam Hogan. Now in its fifth year, it empowers boys with the skills needed to face challenges in today’s society while developing leadership skills with an emphasis on respect, self-discipline, positive attitude, and sportsmanship. A link to more information is on the right.
Special Interests
Students at Glenwood Intermediate School come from many different backgrounds, all of which contribute to the richness of Glenwood's educational experience. GIS offers a wide range of opportunities to meet the interests of every student.
MATHCOUNTS - MATHCOUNTS is open to 6th through 8th grade students who enjoy math! It is a national math organization that involves middle school students. Students take a few short tests to help determine those who will compete in the local competition as individuals and as part of a four-person team. Attendance is expected and required for those who wish to be considered for the competitive team. Students will meet at GMS.
Musical Movie Nights - Musical Movie Nights are offered once a quarter to all GIS students. The movies, both old and new, give students an opportunity to share in a musical experience with their friends in a safe and familiar setting. Students sign up for each movie night separately throughout the year.
Speech and Drama Team - In late September, students choose a skit for the Literary Contest (IESA Speech Contest) held at one of the ten participating area schools in November. Students have a choice of doing a duet or a small group acting piece with 3-5 participants. The memorized reading or skit is 5-9 minutes in length. Students practice with their coach once a week at GIS. Students win medals or ribbons. Speech and drama are available to 5th and 6th graders.
Jazz Band
Speech & Drama Team
Student Council