/District Departments / Communications
Welcome to Ball-Chatham's Communications page!
The District has multiple ways to reach students, parents, staff, and our community. Here are just a few:
District eBulletin
Ball-Chatham App
Social Media - Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, and YouTube
Email Blasts
Phone calls, text alerts, and push notifications
We value two-way communication at every level of the organization. For class or school-related questions, contact your child's teacher via email or call your school and leave a voicemail. For District-related questions, contact any one of Ball-Chatham's Directors or the Superintendent (see Administration tab).
Have a great idea to improve our District? Send it to community@bcsd5.org. We look forward to hearing from you!
Download the Ball-Chatham App Today!
Get your Ball-Chatham app and get connected. Download the free Ball-Chatham app to instantly access school and District information. Search for our app by name: Ball Chatham – in the Apple App Store, and Google Play for Android.
Director of Communications
Danny Frey
Address: 1475 E. Plummer Blvd., Chatham, IL 62629
P: 217-483-2416 | F: 217-483-2940 | E: dfrey@bcsd5.org