/About Chatham Elementary School / Curriculum
Curriculum & Instruction
Based on a philosophy of teaching and learning that is consistent with exemplary practices, current research, and national /state standards, Ball-Chatham educators offer the most challenging education possible for our students. The mission of the Ball-Chatham District is to engage and equip all students to achieve their unique potential through broad and diverse learning experiences. With the mission and philosophy in mind, Ball-Chatham’s educational leaders make decisions about the comprehensive curriculum that they choose to deliver to students, so that they can reach the content standards for every grade and subject.
In addition, our schools offer electives and coursework that is above and beyond the Illinois Learning Standards. Although classroom curriculum is based on State/Common Core content standards and delivered through technology and other support materials, specific instruction is differentiated according to each student’s needs. Ball-Chatham prides itself on providing a stimulating environment rich in literacy, numeracy, science and social sciences, as well as avenues for social and emotional growth.
Further, the District has in place multiple supports to assist its learners who may have the need: It starts with universal screening of all students in the general education classroom using the nationally-recognized Response to Intervention (RtI) system. RtI is a multi-tier approach to the early identification and support of students with learning and behavior needs. Struggling learners are provided with interventions at increasing levels of intensity to accelerate their rate of learning. Some of these include reading interventionists; after-school tutoring, What I Need (WIN) time each day; Check-in/Check-out (CICO); small group emotional and social supports; and support for English Language Learners (ELL).