/ School Information / Transportation Information
Transportation Information & Guidelines
Transportation Telephone Number: 217-483-6098
BES, CES, and GES - Buses may drop off as early as 7:15, with school beginning at 7:30. Our elementary schools would like for all buses to be lined up for dismissal by 2:10 - 2:15 at the latest. They are planning on dismissing students to buses at that time, so the buses all pull out of their lot by 2:30. Please note the times that correspond to Wednesday early release and SIP days are earlier than those provided.
GIS - Buses may drop off as early as 7:05, with school beginning at 7:30. GIS would like all buses lined up by 2:15 at the latest. They are planning on dismissing students to buses at that time, so the buses all pull out of their lot by 2:30. Please note the times that correspond to Wednesday early release and SIP days are earlier than those provided.
GMS/GHS - Buses may drop off as early as 7:50, with school beginning at 8:15. All buses should have completed their drop off at each school by 8:00. Buses should be lined up at each school by 3:05 as students will be dismissed at 3:15 daily.
Please note the times that correspond to Wednesday early release and SIP days are earlier than those provided. Every Wednesday, our students are dismissed 1 hour earlier.
SIP Days: Our buses will need to be at GIS, BES, CES and GES by 10:30 so they are dismissed from our lot at 10:45.
The school bus driver must devote 100 percent of the time driving the school bus and, therefore, should not be distracted by the conduct of the passengers. Each year millions of pupils are transported to and from school safely. This is possible only because the students understand how to act safely on the school bus. Everyone, (the classroom teacher, parents, and the riders themselves), has a part in helping the driver maintain order. While in transit, school bus riders are under the jurisdiction of the school bus driver.
Requests for changes to your student’s bus transportation needs must be communicated in writing 48 hours in advance of the change. Requests will be considered by transportation and a determination will be based on district policy and space availability on the bus. No verbal requests or requests less than 48 hours in advance can be accommodated.
The following instructions are issued from the Illinois State Board of Education:
Be on time at the designated school bus stop; help keep the bus on schedule.
Stay off the road while waiting for the bus.
Be careful approaching the place where the bus stops. Do not move toward the bus until the bus has been brought to a complete stop.
Do not leave your seat while the bus is in motion.
Be alert to a danger signal from the driver.
Remain in the bus in the event of a road emergency until the driver gives instructions.
Keep hands and head inside the bus at all times. Do not throw anything out of the windows.
Remember that unnecessary confusion diverts the driver’s attention and could result in a serious accident.
Be absolutely quiet when approaching a railroad crossing.
Treat bus equipment as you would valuable furniture in your own home. Never tamper with the bus or it’s equipment.
Assist in keeping the bus safe and sanitary at all times.
Carry no animals on the bus without permission of the school transportation director.
Keep books, packages, coats and all other objects out of the aisles.
Leave no books, lunches, or other articles on the bus.
Be courteous to fellow pupils and the bus driver. Help look after the safety and comfort of smaller children.
Do not ask the driver to stop at places other than the regular bus stop. The driver is not permitted to do this, except by proper authorization from a school official.
Observe safety precautions at discharge points. Where it is necessary to cross the highway, proceed to a point at least 10 feet in front of the bus on the right shoulder on the highway where traffic may be observed in both directions. Wait for a signal from the bus driver permitting you to cross.
Observe the same rules and regulations on other trips under school sponsorship as you serve between home and school. Respect the wishes of the chaperones as appointed by the school.
Students at the school bus stop are expected to follow the rules of the school. Infractions at the bus stop will be reported as bus riding infractions.
Bus Discipline Procedures
The following are considered steps of a progressive discipline policy that may begin with step one to step three, depending on the seriousness of the incident in question.
The bus driver will give verbal warning and other appropriate action whenever students fail to comply with rules. Students may be given assigned seating.
When there continues to be repeated offenses, the bus driver will complete a written Bus Incident Report to the administration, and parents will be informed.
The administrator has the authority to suspend the offending student from riding the bus, for up to ten consecutive school days.
The School Board may suspend a student from riding the bus in excess of ten days for safety reasons and may expel students guilty of gross disobedience or misconduct for the remainder of the school term or for a shorter period as determined by the Board. Serious misbehavior may result in the student losing his or her riding privilege or a suspension regardless of the number of offenses.