About Our School
Glenwood Middle School serves grades 7 and 8. The staff uses curricular connections to present academic and encore material. There is also a technology-enhanced STEAM lab that students in every curricular area may use.
A student’s day consists of four (4) core classes: Language Arts (double periods), math, science, and social studies. In addition, all students take physical education and have a choice of two (2) encore classes.
Glenwood Middle School offers a variety of elective courses, including: Concert Band, Symphonic Band, Mixed Choir, Class Crescendo, Full STEAM Ahead, Intro to Engineering & Robotics, Dimensions of Art, Stop! Communicate and Listen, FaCs of Life, and study hall. Eighth Grade students may also choose Spanish.
Programs in place to support Glenwood Middle School students are instructional coaches using push-in along with assisting with the K – 8 District Reading Initiative, special education, teaming, academic assistance during TPH and study hall, two counselors and a social worker on staff, athletics (baseball, cross country, softball, boys and girls basketball, cheerleading, wrestling, volleyball and track) as well as other extra-curricular activities such as Beta Club, Speech & Drama, Jazz Band, Scholastic Bowl, Student Council and Yearbook.